Every year, 17th October is celebrated as World Trauma Day. This day highlights the increasing rate of accidents and injuries causing death and disability across the world and the need to prevent them.

Trauma means "any injury caused to the body". The injury may be caused due to many reasons like road accidents, fires, burns, falls, acts of violence and crimes against the vulnerable population including women, children and elderly.   Amongst all the causes, Road Traffic Accident (RTA) is the leading cause of trauma across the world. Many injuries may lead to temporary or permanent disability while others may even cause death. Every year, about 5 million people die from injuries across the world. In India alone, it is estimated that one million people die and 20 million are hospitalized every year due to injuries. According to National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), about 1,37,000 people died in road accidents in India in 2013.  The burden of disease due to trauma is increasing at an alarming rate. This not only increases the morbidity and mortality rate, but also affects the national productivity on account of younger population being mainly involved in road accidents. Therefore, we should all take  the required precautions in order to prevent any injuries.

Road designing plays an important role in preventing trauma. But the rate of injuries due to trauma cannot only be reduced by adequate road designing. It is the duty of every citizen of every country to act responsibly. Remember, prevention is always better than cure. Trauma is no accident. It can be easily prevented by staying alert. So, help yourself as well as others by acting responsibly.

Points to remember:


  • Follow the road safety rules carefully.
  • Pay close attention to the warning signs and traffic signals while driving.
  • Always wear a helmet while riding a two-wheeler.
  • Avoid distractions like mobile phones and loud music while on road.
  • Take short breaks in case of long, continuous driving.
  • Keep your children away from electric switches and wires, sharp objects and medications.
  • Always keep a first aid safety kit at your home and in your vehicle.
  • Ensure that your stairs, windows, balconies and roofs are secure in order to prevent falls.
  • Learn basic life support techniques and help the injured.


  • Do not drive when you are tired, sleepy or drunk.
  • Do not take any risks while driving, in case you are in a hurry.
  • Do not operate hazardous machinery.
  • In case of a head or spinal injury, do not move the person from the site of accident without any professional's help. Moving the injured person may cause serious back or neck injuries.
  • Do not give fluids to any unconscious or semi-conscious traumatized person.


What to do in case of an accident?

  • Call the emergency helpline number 040 - 6830 6830 and get adequate help at the earliest possible. Remember that every second is crucial for the injured person. It is important that the injured receives medical care in the golden hour. 
  • Call the police to report the details of the accident.


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