Cancer is a silent killer and can occur in any part of the body. Abnormal multiplications of cells that wreak havoc in the routine functioning of the body are generally termed as cancers. Usually, Women are affected with breast cancer; in very rare cases it affects the male counterparts too.

Breast cancer is emerging as a serious health concern mainly because many of the symptoms or warning signs that go unnoticed. It is important for every woman to do breast self-examination once in a month or two to notice any abnormalities. Breast self-exams help detect any anomalies or changes, which you can report to your trusted health care provider. While examining your breasts, please take the following criteria into consideration:

Change in the feel of nipples or the breasts: Make sure that you touch and feel every area of the breasts and nipples and also try to use a full-scale mirror, which helps you better.

Check for lumps or lumpiness from the under-arm to the region below the breasts. Any kind of lump, don’t panic, please report immediately to your trusted doctor. All lumps may not be malignant, however, your trusted doctor will examine the same and suggest further course of action.

Change in the skin texture, colour, size and shape of the breasts. Any enlargement of skin pores in around the breast area.

The nipples become very tender or any feeling lumps in the area of the nipples.

Check for cyst or cysts

Change in the Appearance of breasts or nipples: Usually the size of the left breast differs from the size of the right breast. However, during self-exam if you notice any unusual change in the size of your breasts report the same. Also, check for:

  • Dimples on the breast
  • Abnormal swelling in either of the breasts or nipples
  • Inversion of the nipples
  • Discolouration or change in the colour of the nipples
  • Shrinking in the size of nipples or the breasts

Any Discharge of liquid from the nipples: if you are not feeding your baby and notice any milk or water like substance leaking out of you nipples get the same examined. You may also notice blood leaking out, which might not mean cancer.

Unexplained Pain: Any shooting or radiating pain in one area of breast or underarm that does not heal with pain killer. Itchy feeling or heaviness in the breasts must be reported to the healthcare provider.

These symptoms are mainly important to diagnose, detect and treat breast cancer. Other general symptoms may include unexplained weight loss or weight gain in a short span of time, hunger pangs, nausea, or change in the pattern of menstruation which should not be neglected.

Do the above symptoms mean cancer is present?

The above symptoms necessarily do not signify cancer is present; they help detect cancer at early stages or rule the possibility of the same.

If the above symptoms are not present, can I assume that I am breast cancer free?

The above symptoms may not be present for cancer to crop up. There are instances where breast cancer is detected at advanced stages and poses a potential risk to the patient. Technological advancements in treatment of breast cancers have introduced tests such as: 

  • Mammogram: X-ray technique that brings out the image of the breast tissues which help in detecting any lumps or cysts, which cannot be felt.
  • Clinical examination: You can trust your family physician or health care specialist to examine your breasts physically, as it will be easier for them to use their clinical expertise to detect any abnormalities and suggest a further action plan.

These tests help detect the presence of breast cancer in the initial stages itself and must be performed at regular intervals.

According to Research conducted by National Breast Cancer Foundation 1 in every 8 women suffers from breast cancer in her lifetime and also suggests that early detection of the same in localized stages boosts the survival rate to cent per cent.

How do I prevent Breast Cancer?

 The occurrence of breast cancer can be prevented by following a healthy lifestyle and taking care that: 
  • Ideal body weight is maintained
  • Fiber-rich low-calorie diet is consumed
  • Exercising
  • Avoid smoking or alcohol intake
  • Breast self-examination at regular intervals
  • Clinical examination
  • Breast cancer screening regularly, if any immediate relative diagnosed with the same or if you are above 40 years of age.


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