Benefits of Yoga for Fertility


When you’re trying to conceive, yoga can help you increase your chances. Yoga has been widely recognized as a way to release stress and improve posture. It is also known to create hormonal balance, increase sexual stamina and prepare the body for pregnancy. Stress adversely affects sperm count in men and delays ovulation in women. Yoga can also help couples increase their chances of getting pregnant because it stimulates relaxation.

Here are some benefits of yoga for fertility:

  • Reduces Stress

Studies have found that yoga can help reduce stress hormones such as cortisol. Stress is believed to be one of the biggest causes of male and female fertility issues. Yoga can help calm down the mind and relax the body. It also aids in breathing and works on the nervous system to lower stress. Experts suggest that couples who are trying for a baby should go for yoga classes together to boost their chances.

  • Increases Blood Flow to the Uterus

When the reproductive organs receive more blood, they also receive more oxygen and nutrients. Increased blood flow nourishes the endometrial lining of the uterus and can boost your chances of fertilization and implantation. During infertility diagnosis, there are often blockages in certain areas of the body. Yoga poses such as pigeon pose can help open up hips and thighs and remove blockages from the lower regions of the body.

  • Strengthens the Immune System

Several studies have indicated that pranayama and meditation are tools for stress-reducing activities that produce positive changes in the immune system. When you take deep breathes, you can listen to your body’s natural rhythms and feel a deep sense of peace. It helps you connect to your body’s healing capacity and makes you feel more empowered on your journey to conception.

  • Encourages Positive Mindset

Yoga can help create a more positive mindset in couples who are trying to conceive. The breathing techniques help you relax when you’re worried or anxious. When negative thoughts creep in, you can try deep breathing and exhale them away, and focus on positive thoughts instead. You may also feel more in control of your body when you practice yoga regularly.

  • Strengthens the Endocrine System

The endocrine system is responsible for hormonal balance, and is an essential part of the fertility process. Yoga can help strengthen the endocrine system and allow for proper hormonal balance.

  • May increase Libido

Studies have found that regular exercise can increase libido. When you practice yoga regularly, your sex drive may increase. If you feel worried or anxious about ovulation while trying to get pregnant, yoga techniques can help you stay calm and reduce the impact of stress on your fertility levels.

You and your partner can enroll for yoga classes when you’re trying to conceive. It is not only a great way to spend time together, it also helps to aid your fertility in the process. To know more about benefits of yoga for fertility, speak to our doctors at KIMS Cuddles.

*Information shared here is for general purpose. Please take doctors’ advice before taking any decision.


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